Saturday 23 August 2014

TribeHR WebHooks to auto-approve vacation requests

// This code example illustrates how to listen for newly created requests for time off, then
// automatically approve them (this is great for organizations that have a more flexible time
// off policy). This script listens for a WebHook event, then connects to the site via the REST
// API to get the details and modify the details of the request.
// More on WebHooks:
// More on the REST Api:
// PHP API Wrapper:
// Set your TribeHR credentials
define('SUBDOMAIN', ''); // Your TribeHR Sub Domain
define('USER', ''); // The username of an Administrator
define('KEY', ''); // The API KEY of the administrator above
// Include the API Wrapper
// Let's only process the payload if we're going to actually be getting
// a LeaveRequest. Note - this logic can be easily extende to create a script that
// can handle multiple different WebHook types.
if(isset($_POST['object_id']) && isset($_POST['object']) && $_POST['object'] == 'LeaveRequest')
// Create my connection to the site using the API Wrapper
$TribeHRConnection = new TribeHRConnector(SUBDOMAIN, USER, KEY);
// Get the specific Leave Request, as specified by the WebHook data
$id = intval($_POST['object_id']);
$tc = $TribeHRConnection->sendRequest('/leave_requests/'.$id.'.xml', 'GET');
// Create the new request data, based on the old request. Some interesting constraints
// caused by the current API version:
// - date_start and date_end exped m/d/Y format, but the API returns Y-m-d
// - the API requires a complete data object, so all fields must be specified
// - the status APPROVED == 1
$old_request = simplexml_load_string($tc->response);
$new_request = array(
'id' => (string) $old_request->leave_request['id'],
'comments' => (string) $old_request->leave_request['comments'] . "\nAuto-Approved",
'date_start' => date('m/d/Y', strtotime($old_request->leave_request['date_start'])),
'date_end' => date('m/d/Y', strtotime($old_request->leave_request['date_end'])),
'days' => (string) $old_request->leave_request['days'],
'leave_type_id' => (string) $old_request->leave_request['leave_type_id'],
'user_id' => (string) $old_request->leave_request['user_id'],
'status' => 1,
// Submit the new data
$tc = $TribeHRConnection->sendRequest('/leave_requests/'.$id.'.xml', 'PUT', $new_request);
// Let's echo our the response for good measure
echo htmlentities($tc->response);
// Since there wasn't a valid payload, let's echo a message out
echo 'This script listens for TribeHR WebHooks to auto-approve vacation requests';

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