Monday 5 January 2015

Joomla quickstart package installation problems and solutions

In Joomla quickstart package installation process, you may have some problems which generally disturb your works whether you are beginers or not. You may not be able to start your Apache server or your process hangs on in any step...
Here are solutions for Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x as well that you can follow. They are assured by my real experience.

1. Cannot start Apache service

It's a common problem while starting XAMPP, specially Skype users. The default port of both Skype and Apache service is 80. In order to use both of them, you should change the port number for one of them.

Change Skype Port:

+ Go to: Skype -> Tools -> Options ->Advanced settings -> Connection
+ Unstick "Use port 80  and 443 for additional incoming connections"
+ Change Use port to other number (I use port 81)
Change Apache Port:
+ Go to: C:\xampp\apache\conf
+ Open file: httpd.conf (recommend: open with Notepad++)
+ Find line: Listen 80
+ Change 80 to any other number (example: 8080)
+ Save and restart Apache service
Note: On browser, you should type: localhost:8080 instead of localhost as normal.

2. Stuck in database installation

While installing both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x, I see a common problem is that it cannot turn the database installation to next process. It seems to be a never-ending process.

There're some tips to solve the problem. You can combine all of these tips if a single one cannot effectively solve.

Open file php.ini in C:\xampp\php\php.ini

Note:  Stop Apache server before doing any modifications and start it again after saving these modifications.

Tip 1: Turn off "display errors"

In php.ini, find line "display_errors=On" replace with "display_errors=Off"

Tip 2: Increase execution time in php.ini

Find line "max_execution_time=30" change to "max_execution_time=3000"

Tip 3: Increase memory limit

Increase "memory_limit=128M" to "memory_limit=256M"

Note: Joomla 3.x installation freezes at Creating database tables

In case of Joomla 3.x installation freezes at Creating database tables in spite of using all these above tips, you can use the following method:

Find the term "ENGINE=InnoDB" and replace ALL with "ENGINE=MyIsam". It can be changed in /installation/sql/mysql/joomla.sql.

3. Nothing happen when click "Language Setting"

Some of you may be in this situation. And you wonder why and how for the problem.

In Joomla installation folder, go to: installation/views/ftp
Open file: 'view.html.php' rename the class ‘InstallationViewFTP’ to ‘InstallationViewFtp

In conclusion, these above errors are the most common problems which Joomla users face while installing quickstart package.  By following How To Install Joomla Quickstart Package guide you will reduce the risk of error for your process.

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