Wednesday 10 September 2014

Joomla Tips And Tricks You Should Know

Joomla is the popular CMS which helps you create website easily. If you use Joomla as long enough to say you know everything about Joomla, you should have second thought. Today I’m gonna find and collect some tips and tricks from several sources before and hope you can find some useful tips and tricks that you haven’t known before.


After installation, Joomla asks you to delete the folder /installation. If necessary, to remake an installation from scratch.

You'll just have to delete configuration.php file and rename your folder /installation to revive an almost new Joomla.

This can be handy if you are testing locally and want to save time by " reformatting " your Joomla quickly between each test.


You can add behind the site URL : " index.php?option=com_users&view=reset ". The site will ask you the email address of the administrator.
But ir your admin password or the admin account has disappeared altogether? It is not common so you need to check the security. However, you can go through the database and inject this query:
REPLACE INTO `jos_users` (`id`, `name`, `username`, `email`, `password`, `usertype`, `block`, `sendEmail`, `gid`, `registerDate`, `lastvisitDate`, `activation`, `params`) VALUES ( 62, 'Administrator', 'admin', '', '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', 'Super Administrator', 0, 1, 25, '2005-11-22 00:31:11', '2005-11-26 22:05:38', '', 'editor=');
Be sure to replace in your query jos_ by your suffix table and the right email address, you can also change the names administrator and admin.
You have, according to this example, created a super administrator account with the login admin/password.


site manager
Some people want to add the article title to the read more link. To achieve this you can set that on your menu item or in Article management options. By default the menu item settings point to the Article management Options settings by "Use Global".
Set it on your menu item:
  1. Go to Menu management
  2. Edit the menu item
  3. Go to tab Advanced Options
  4. Set "Show readmore" to Show
  5. Set "Show title with readmore" to Show
Set it on Article management Options:
  1. Go to Article management Options
  2. Go to tab Articles
  3. Set "Show read more" to Show
  4. Set "Show title with read more" to Show


To get a visual indication of all module positions used on a page you can follow this procedure:-
  • In the administrative backend go to Extensions->Template Manager. Click on Options and set Preview Module Positions to enabled navigate to the website page you wish to see the module positions for in your web browser.
  • Click into the URL field in your browser.
  • Look for any "parameters" at the end of the URL. These are separated from the main part of the URL by a question mark. For example, in the URL, the "id=17" is a parameter.
  • If there are no parameters, append "?tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example,
  • If there are already parameters in the URL, append "&tp=1" to the URL and press RETURN. For example,
  • The module positions will be outlined in red.


The example above assumes that you have control over the URL used for the link. However, in some cases, the link is created automatically for you and therefore you don't have the option of manually changing the Itemid of the URL. Examples of this include the Latest News and Most Popular modules, both of which give you links to articles automatically. In this situation, you can still control which modules display when you link to an article. Here are three possible approaches.

a. The simplest trick is to assign modules to All menu items. That way they show up no matter what. But you have to be OK with having the modules on every page.
b. Another possibility is to use a hidden menu item with a Section or Category layout. You can do this on a "hidden" menu and not create a menu module for this "hidden" menu. If you don't have an article layout for the article being linked to, Joomla will try to find a "similar" menu item and use the modules for that item. This also works for category layouts. There is a hierarchy for this, as follows:
• Article Layout
• Category Blog Layout
• Category List Layout
c. Note that, if you have the Breadcrumbs module enabled, these hidden menu items will show in the breadcrumbs. This means that a user will be able to navigate to the hidden menu item (for example, the section list layout) from the link in the breadcrumbs.

d. The sure way to fix this (but also the most work) is to create a separate menu item for each article. This is the most work, but it allows you to completely control the modules displayed for each article.


If you wish to uninstall an extension on your Joomla site, then follow these simple steps:
a. Select "Extensions" and then "Extension Manager" from the dropdown menu
b. Select "Manage" on the left menu
c. Select the type of extension you wish to uninstall. You will have the choice between Components, Files, Modules, Plugins, Languages and Templates.
d. Find the extension you wish to uninstall and check the checkbox to the left of the extension title.
e. Press "Uninstall" on below the title "Extension Manager: Manage".
There are some tips and tricks for Joomla that you can apply. Moreover, you also can search more tips by the links below:
5 Essential SEO Tips for Joomla You Must Know 3 Tips for Better Joomla CMS Security
If you have any questions or some tips want to share, don’t hestitate to share with us by the comments below. Thank you so much and hope the article is helpful for you.

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