I am finding MySQL to be a very robust and productive tool. Isn't that what it's all about these days, remaining productive and showing your worth? My old boss used to always say sell yourself as if you were your own company. In order to do that and come up with ways you've seen me write about a few tools we use and or have developed. Many of those tools use MySQL as a backend database. I have learned that you can store plenty of data in the database and use it now or in the future.
Future articles will talk about archiving as those processes are developed.
Here they are:
These tips and tricks might be helpful when working with MySQL.
Future articles will talk about archiving as those processes are developed.
Here they are:
These tips and tricks might be helpful when working with MySQL.
- Alter an existing column via command line
- alter table tablename modify columnname VARCHAR(35) ;
- Create calendar table (example shows one date column from 2009-01-01 thru 2031-12-31)
- use UnixSystems;
- truncate table ALL_DATES;
- drop table ints;
- CREATE TABLE ints ( i tinyint );
- INSERT INTO ints VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9);
- SELECT date('2009-01-01') + interval a.i*10000 + b.i*1000 + c.i*100 + d.i*10 + e.i day
- FROM ints a JOIN ints b JOIN ints c JOIN ints d JOIN ints e
- WHERE (a.i*10000 + b.i*1000 + c.i*100 + d.i*10 + e.i) <= 8399
- Copy table and it's data to a new table
- CREATE TABLE new_tablename LIKE database.tablename; INSERT new_tablename SELECT * FROM database.tablename;
- Count rows in a table
- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tablename;
- Database creation recommendation
- Whenever possible use a standard id column with the table name, i.e. a table/schema named Help should have a column named idHelp, this should be the primary key and be auto incremented
- delete data older than 1 day using current date and time
- delete from ProcessMapsUpdateRequests where datetime <= date_sub( now(), interval 1 day );
- Determine size of tables and/or databases
- select table_schema, sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 from information_schema.tables group by table_schema; (lists by table in MB)
- select sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024 from tables; (lists all tables combined in MB)
- Determine the size your InnoDB buffer should be set at in my.cnf
- SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(KBS/POWER(1024,IF(pw<0,0,IF(pw>3,0,pw)))+0.49999),
- SUBSTR(' KMG',IF(pw<0,0,IF(pw>3,0,pw))+1,1)) recommended_innodb_buffer_pool_size
- FROM (SELECT SUM(index_length) KBS FROM information_schema.tables WHERE
- engine='InnoDB') A,(SELECT 3 pw) B;
- Different types of output use the following option when starting mysql session
- XML - use a -X (/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql -X)
- Vertical - use --vertical (/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql --vertical)
- HTML - use -H (/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql -H)
- Tabs - use -t (/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql -t)
- Remove timestamp from column in select statement
- Use the DATE function. I.E. select DATE(fieldname) from table
- Reset that status of a slave - like after fixing an error
- restart the slave using svcadm restart mysql32-csk - check status with 'show slave status\G' to see if errorno is gone.
- Send the output from a query to a text file
- select DISTINCT hostname from dynamic where zoneinfo='global' into outfile 'textfile name';
- Select data in reverse order by a specific column and limit to the last 300 entries.
- select datetime,DISKGROUP,DEVICE,AVGSERVTIME from DiskServiceTimes where HOST='orwell' order by datetime DESC limit 300;
- Select data for the next 3 months
- echo "select event_title,event_start_date,event_end_date,event_description from events where
- Select data from the last 3 days using just the date
- datetime >= DATE_SUB(CONCAT(CURDATE(), ' 00:00:00'), INTERVAL 3 DAY)
- Select dates to pull data for by prompting user to fill in variables
- echo "select dateTime,userName,text from ajax_chat_messages where datetime > '${STARTDATE} ${STARTTIME}' and datetime < '${ENDDATE} ${ENDTIME}' ORDER BY datetime;" | /opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql -H ajaxchat > /tmp/chat_log.html
- Select unique or distinct entries
- mysql> SELECT DISTINCT firstname, city FROM address;
- start replication
- in the slave database run start slave;
- stop replication
- in the slave database run stop slave;
- Suppress column headers
- Use --skip-column-names (/opt/coolstack/mysql_32bit/bin/mysql --skip-column-names)
- Use limit to restrict the number or results from a query
- select apps from dynamic where hostname='${VAR1}' into outfile '${LOCALTEMP}' LIMIT 0;
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