Saturday 13 September 2014

List of Free and Open Source CMS

List of Free and Open Source CMS

List of CMS (Content Management System), free and open source, written in PHP or other languages.
Click on the name to access the website.


Name Category Supported databases Comments
Ariadne Portal Oracle, PostgreSQL
b2evolution Blog MySQL
bbPress Forum MySQL A derivative of Wordpress for forums.
BlogCMS Blog MySQL
Caravel CMS Portal OpenLDAP and PostgreSQL
Chlorine Boards Portal MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Access
CMSimple Portal One unique HTML file
CMS Made Simple Portal MySQL
Coppermine Image gallery MySQL
CuteNews News Flat text files
DotClear 2 Blog MySQL, SQlite, PostgreSQL Multi-users, multi-blogs.
DokuWiki Wiki Flat text files.
Drigg Digg-like MySQL Plug-in for Drupal. Very slow.
Drupal Portal MySQL or PostgreSQL Sponsored by the University of Oregon.
e107 Portal MySQL
eGroupWare Groupware ADOdb Collaboration tool
Elgg Social network MySQL 5 Building a social network with PHP 5.
FluxBB Forum MySQL Lightweight but complete forum, perfect besides a portal.
Freeglobes Directory MySQL
Geeklog Blog MySQL
GuppY Portal Flat text files
IntraLibre Intranet MySQL Collaborative work and document sharing.
Itseasy Portal Flat text files
Joomla! Portal MySQL Popular CMS, fork of Mambo.
Lemon CMS Portal Flat text files.
Lodel Portal MySQL Electronic publishing.
MediaWiki Wiki MySQL Wikipedia CMS.
Midgard CMS Portal MySQL Framework for CMS
Modx Portal MySQL Adaptable framework.
NPDS Portal MySQL Content and community management.
Nucleus CMS Blog MySQL
OpenPHPNuke Portal MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
phpBB Forum MySQL Forum CMS with a lot of themes and mods.
Phorum Forum MySQL Easy to customize.
PHPMotion Video sharing MySQL Youtube-like CMS
PHP-Nuke Portal MySQL
PHPList News MySQL
phpMyFAQ FAQ MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server and MariaDB
phpWCMS Portal MySQL
phpWebSite Portal MySQL or PostgreSQL
PhpWiki Wiki Flat text files, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more
PivotX Blog Flat text files, XML
Pligg Digg-like MySQL News with score, still beta.
Plume Portal MySQL
PmWiki Wiki Flat text files
Prestashop e-shop MySQL 5 Open an online shop with PHP 5.
PunBB See fluxBB.
SEO Toaster e-shop MySQL, PHP 5 SEO oriented, rich author interface.
SilverStripe Portal MySQL, PHP 5 Editor oriented
SMF Forum MySQL (SimpleMachines)
sNews Blog MySQL Blog added to a portal website.
SPIP Templates MySQL
Storytlr Twitter/Blog MySQL Gallery of photos and videos
Templeet Portal XML, MySQL and other BDs.
Textpattern Portal MySQL
TikiWiki Blog-Wiki ADOdb Groupware.
Typo3 Portal MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle
VanillaForums Forum MySQL 5 Lighter than PhpBB and easy to integrate.
Wikkawiki Blog-Wiki MySQL
Wordpress Blog/Portal MySQL Very popular and extensible blog CMS.
Xoops Portal MySQL Popular modular CMS.
Zikula Portal MySQL Application framework, formerly PostNuke.

Java CMS

Name Category Supported databases Comments
Alfresco Portail Any. Document management. WebDAV. CMIS. Multiple licenses.
Ametys Portal MySQL, PostgreSQL LDAP, DocBook, Multi-sites
Cocoon Dynamic XML
Daisy CMS Portal MySQL Based on Cocoon.
Forrest Framework MySQL Document sharing.
Graffito Universal OJB Framework.
Jahia Community Portal Hypersonic, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server Document sharing.
Literay Portal Any. Framework and CMS. WebDAV. CMIS.
Logz Portal MySQL
Magnolia Portal Content repository API
MMBase Portal Blobs on the filesystem
OpenCMS Portal MySQL, Oracle
XSM Static XML Java servlets

Other programming languages

Name Plateform Category Supported databases Comments
Bricolage Perl Portal PostgreSQL
Composite .NET Portal ADO.NET and LINK
Discourse Ruby/JS Forum PostgreSQL/Redis Native anti-spam. IE10 at least.
DotNetNuke VB.NET Portal SQL Server.
Jekyll Ruby Blog None. Static site generator.
Lenya Cocoon Portal XML
Mezzanine Python/Jython Portal PostgreSQL Uses the Django framework.
Nesta Ruby Blog HTML files
NodeBB JavaScript Forum Redis Modern look, based on Node.js.
OpenACS TCL, AOL Server Web App. PostgreSQL/Oracle Toolkit for community-oriented applications
Orchard ASP.NET Portal SQL Server Completed by user modules.
Plone Zope Blog ZODB, MySQL & PostgreSQL via Zope
Rainbow C# Portal MySQL
Scoop Perl Groupware MySQL
Skeletonz Python
Telescope JavaScript Digg-like MongoDB Based on Meteor and Node. Real-time.
TWiki Perl Wiki Any DB compatible with Perl DBI.
Umbraco ASP.NET Universal SQL Server Works with WebMatrix.
WebGUI Perl Wiki MySQL
Zwook Python Portal Zope


Specialization of the CMS. But some can earn several roles.
  • Blog: Online diary.
  • Blog-Wiki: (Or bliki) Blog with user contributing.
  • Digg-like. Allows to contribute with news and to mark news.
  • FAQ: Manager for questions from users and answers from the webmaster.
  • Groupware: Collaborative website.
  • Hub-Blog. Server of blogs.
  • Portal: Common website, may be extended with a FAQ manager, un forum, etc.
  • Templates: Static CMS, pages are defined by codes.
  • Videos. Displays and manage videos.
  • Web app: Web application, extended CMS.
  • Wiki: Allows user to contribute.

How to choose a CMS?

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